Our 5 recipes “Special Halloween”

Recipe 1 :

These smalls pumpkin cheesecakes are easy to prepare and are perfect for your Halloween celebration ! We guarantee you that none will remain at the end of the dessert !

Ingredients :

– 50 g crumbs of ginger biscuits

– 25 g of pumpkin puree

– 75 g of Graham cracker crumbs

– 3 tablespoons of caster sugar

– 1 /4 teaspoons of ground cinnamon

– 1 pinch of salt

– 200 g of cream cheese

– 100 g of white chocolate chips

– Red food coloring

Informations :

Preparation time : 20 minutes

Break time : 30 minutes

No baking

Step 1 :

In a big bowl, mix the ginger biscuits crumbs, the pumpkin puree, the Graham cracker crumbs, the caster sugar, the cinnamon, the salt and the cream cheese. Mix until smooth. Melt 50 g of the white chocolate chips and add to the mixture.

Step 2 :

Cover and let cool until the dough become strong enough to form balls (about 1 hour in the refrigerator and 30 minutes in the freezer). Once cold enough, roll the mixture into 12 to 14 balls. Place a toothpick in each ball.

Step 3 :

Melt the rest of the white chocolate chips in a small bowl. Use the toothpick to roll the balls in the white chocolate, taking care of coat all sides. Gently take of the excess of chocolate. Place the chocolate-cover balls on a baking sheet or on a plate lined with waxed paper, parchment paper or aluminum foil. Let cool for 3 to 5 minutes until the chocolate hardens.

Step 4 :

Sprinkle white chocolate on the balls. Dip the end of a cotton swab into the red food coloring and make to points for the eyes of the mummy. Handle carefully to avoid wiping your eyes. Store in refrigerator in an airtight container.

Recipe 2 :

Bloody cut witch’s fingers … of jam ! (Gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan (without egg yolk) !

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Ingredients :

– 90 g of semi-complete rice flour

– 50 g of buckwheat flour

– 30 g of potato starch

– 40 g of almond powder

– 1 tablespoon of olive oil

– 60 g of icing sugar

– 55 g of coconut oil

– 1 pinch of salt

– red jam (strawberry, cherry, raspberry …)

– Full almonds (without skin if possible)

Step 1 :

Beat the mashed almonds, coconut oil, olive oil, and sifted icing sugar at low speed. Add the almond powder and salt, then lastly the floor mixture. Work the dough by hand so that the ingredients are perfectly mixed. Let the dough rest for 1 hour in the fridge.

Step 2 :

Spread the dough on 2 mm thick (between two sheets of baking paper) and make rectangles of 7 cm long and 1 cm wide. Shape the rectangles into fingers. WARNING ! The dough become very soft due to heat, put it again in fridge for a moment.

Step 3 :

Gild the fingers with egg yolk and put a full almond as a nail at the end of the finger. Use a knife to mark the knuckles. Return them to the fridge before cooking.

Step 4 :

Bake your witch’s fingers at 170°C for about 18 minutes.

Step 5 :

Once out of the oven, use the red jam to give a bloody look to your fingers. If you wish, you can add a small amount of charcoal to the jam for a more realistic and creepy effect.

Little advice :

You can serve your witch’s fingers with a small jam ramekin so that your guests can dip them before tasting.

Recipe 3 :

The owls cupcakes of Halloween

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Ingredients for 6 cupcakes :

For the preparation :

– 2 eggs

– 60 g of dark chocolate dessert

– 50 g of butter

– 40 g of sugar

– 25 g of flour

For the icing :

– 125 g of mascarpone

– 35 g of icing sugar

– 80 g of Oreos biscuits

For the decoration :

– 12 Oreos biscuits

– 12 smarties (for the eyes)

– 6 yellow or orange smarties (for the beak)

Informations :

For this recipe you will need a muffin tin, a cake rack and a pastry bag.

For the cake base

Step 1 :

In a bowl, beat the eggs with the sugar until the mixture whitens.

Step 2 :

Melt the chocolate with the butter in the microwave.

Step 3 :

Add the egg and chocolate mixture to the other mixture and mix again.

Step 4 :

Add the flour gradually and mix.

Step 5 :

Pour the dough into the mold. WARNING ! Fill the molds 3/4 full.

Step 6 :

Preheat the oven 180°C (thermostat 6). Cake your cakes for 25 minutes while monitoring the cooking. Once cooked, let them cool on a wire rack.

For the icing :

Step 7 :

Crush the Oreos and mix them with the mascarpone and sugar. Put resulting mixture in a piping bag.

Step 8 :

Ice your cupcakes making sur the surface is smooth to easier make the decoration of your owls.

For the decoration :

Step 9 :

Place two Oreos side by side for the eyes (being careful keeping the white frosting on top). Arrange a smarties in the center of each half of Oreo.

Step 10 :

Make the nose of your owls by placing an orange or yellow smarties vertically at the center of the two Oreos.

Step 11 :

You can give wings to your owls with halves Oreos without frosting. For this, break them in half and insert them on the side of your cupcakes.

Recipe 4 :

Chocolate macarons spiders

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Ingredients for 15 macarons :

– 100 g of pastry chocolate

– 60 g of almond powder

– 120 g of icing sugar

– 2 eggs’ white

– 1 knob of butter

– 1 pinch of salt

For the garnish :

– 50 g of soft butter

– 60 g of chocolate powder

For the decoration :

– Licorice rolls

– Sugar paste

Step 1 :

Break the chocolate in pieces and melt it gently.

Step 2 :

Mix 80 g of icing sugar withe the almond powder. Add the melted chocolate and stir.

Step 3 :

Beat the eggs’ white with the salt and add the remaining icing sugar, stirring constantly until the mixture become smooth and shinny.

Step 4 :

Add the mixture to the previous one until a sandy mixture is obtained.

Step 5 :

Preheat you oven to 180°C (thermostat 6). Using a teaspoon, place small piles of dough on the baking sheet covered with a sheet oh buttered baking paper. Bake for about 15 minutes then peel them off and let them cool on a wire rack.

For the garnish :

Step 6 :

In a bowl, work with a fork the butter and the chocolate powder to obtain an homogeneous texture.

Step 7 :

Assemble your macarons by welding the two halves of biscuit with the chocolate cream.

For the decoration of your spiders macarons :

Step 8 :

Cut 8 equal pieces of licorice  into the roll to form the pastas of 1 spider. To make them stand, place them in the macarons’ filling.

Recipe 5 :

The Panna Cott’eye !

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Ingredients for 6 persons :

For the white of the eye :

– 20 cL of cream

– 20 g of sugar

– 1 gelatin sheet

For the blue of the eye :

– 20 cL of flavored water

– 20 g of sugar

– 2 gelatin sheets

– Blue food coloring

For the decoration :

– Red food coloring

For the white of the eye :

Step 1 :

Soak the gelatin sheet in cold water.

Step 2 :

Heat the cream in a saucepan with the sugar. Mix until the sugar is dissolved.

Step 3 :

Off the heat, add the well drained gelatin.

Step 4 :

Divide the preparation into silicon mini tart molds and store in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.

For the blue of the eye :

Step 5 :

Soak the gelatin sheets in cold water.

Step 6 :

Heat the flavored water with the sugar and mix until the sugar is dissolved.

Step 7 :

Off the heat, add the well drained gelatin.

Step 8 :

Place a chocolate chip in the bottom of each cell of a half-sphere silicon mold (whose diameter corresponds to that of mini-tarts molds. Pour the blue mixture and leave in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

Step 9 :

In a dish stained with red dye, remove the Panna Cottas. Then turn out the blue eyes and place them at the top of the white of the eyes.

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